Assembled In France


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Assembled In France

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The inspiration behind Zman-Watch

Our journey begins with a deep passion for watches, those timeless instruments that elegantly punctuate our lives with precision. However, our story wouldn’t be complete without the fortuitous encounter with an exceptional watchmaker, capable of transcending mere mechanics to create unique and personalized timepieces.

During a visit to this watchmaker’s workshop, the admiration for his craftsmanship and the discovery of endless customization possibilities were truly revelatory. Guided by our shared passion for horology, a friend and I quickly realized that customization could transcend the boundaries of imagination. The idea of merging watchmaking art with the Hebrew alphabet was born when a watch, adorned with Indo-Arabic numerals, captivated our attention. Thus, the idea emerged to collaborate with this talented watchmaker to create unique pieces, adorned with Hebrew dials. From this vision, the Zman-Watch brand was born.

Crafting Zman Watch

After months dedicated to sourcing the finest materials and perfecting the details, Zman Watch finally came to fruition in 2023. We chose excellence by meticulously selecting each component, from Miyota and Seiko automatic movements to sapphire glass, 316L steel, and ceramic and forged carbon bezels. Our commitment to quality and authenticity is reflected in every step of the manufacturing process. All our watches are fully assembled in France, in our own workshops, where each piece is carefully selected, inspected, and hand-assembled, piece by piece, with expertise. Each watch is assembled to order, allowing us to guarantee personalized attention to every detail. From waterproof testing to movement regulation, each watch undergoes rigorous standards before being shipped to diverse horizons, primarily in France, the United States, and Israel.
atelier horlogerie Zman Watch

The Meaning of Zman

The name “Zman” has its roots in the Hebrew language, where it evokes the moment, the hour, the time. For us, Zman Watch represents much more than a mere time indication; it’s a celebration of every precious moment in life, captured in a box of beauty and horological sophistication. At Zman Watch, our story is one of shared passion for horology, of inspiration found in traditional craftsmanship, and of commitment to excellence and authenticity. Each watch we create embodies this story, shaped by skilled hands and bearing witness to our dedication to the art of time measurement.